Does Your Child Require Two Copies of Progress and Report Cards?? Please email your child’s teacher or school office if you would like 2 copies sent home.
Chair Angela Rochus
Treasurer Scott Maltby
Secretary Amanda Thorpe
Community Member Kelly Pearson
Principal Tammy Waller Gordon
Teacher Representative Angela McCallum
Non-Teaching Representative Carol Boulianne
Meetings for the 2023-2024 School Year
7:00PM (Virtual)
September 27
October 25
November 29
January 31
February 28
March 27
April 24
We will use SchoolMessenger (TVDSB messaging system - e-mail) to share with parents/guardians a “Week at a Glance” so that you know what is happening at school. You may also check our front school sign. We are always striving to communicate with our families & community quickly and effectively. Please connect with us if you have a suggestion.