About Us

Springfield Public School is a kindergarten to grade 6 school that is located in the quaint town of Springfield, Ontario.  The school has a wonderful community spirit.  We take pride in our dedicated staff.  Springfield has a high level of volunteer commitment from families and the community.  We are home of the Springfield Spitfires. 

Springfield Public School is dedicated to providing all students with the opportunity to receive a comprehensive education in a positive environment and with the support of its community.
School Logo 
Our school logo is the Spitfire.  The Spitfire logo represents our safe school environment. It stands as a symbol for doing what is right and reminds us of our past while leading the way to our future.  Our Springfield Spitfires are continuously, "soaring to success"!
School Goals 
To be announced.
School Hours

8:40 to 8:55 a.m. - Supervised Yard
8:55 to 10:55 a.m. - First Teaching Block
10:55 to 11:45 a.m. - 1st Nutrition Break
11:45 to 1:25 p.m. - Second Teaching Block
1:25 to 2:05 p.m. - 2nd Nutrition Break
2:05 to 3:25 p.m. - Third Teaching Block
3:25 p.m. - Dismissal

Healthy Snack Program
The Healthy Snack Program was started at the school in 2001 and provides each of the children a choice of two snacks periodically throughout their school day.  These snacks consist of various seasonal fruits, cheese, crackers, vegetables and granola bars.  We serve over 120 children per day and we know they look forward to enjoying their “bin” daily.
The program is funded by the Ontario Student Nutrition Program and the Elgin Community Nutrition Partnership and is run throughout the year by a dedicated group of volunteers who buy, prepare and deliver the snacks to the classrooms.
Although our grants allow us to provide these snacks for our children, we also have fundraisers, i.e.: yogurt tube sales, etc. to offset these expenses. 
We are thankful for the Provincial and local grants which enable us to provide a healthy snack for each child.
Community Involvement and Support
The Springfield Community as a whole has consistently offered support to the school in a variety of ways. All support is greatly appreciated by the students, families, and staff of Springfield Public School.

Contributing agencies include:

South Dorchester Optimist Club

The Springfield Swans

Malahide Community Centre

Contributing businesses include:

Godfather Pizza - Hot Lunch Days
Shackelton Landscaping - Outside Gardens & Trees
Rona - Springfield

YWCA Before and After School Childcare
Before and after School Childcare is being offered at Springfield Public School, for students ages 3.5 - 12. The program runs from 7:00 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. before school and 3:25 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. after school. Registration occurs year round. Children participate in sports, crafts, dramatic play, centre based play, outdoor play and enjoy a healthy snack before and after school.

Please contact the YWCA for further information.

519-631-9800 x232    16 Mary Street West     St. Thomas   

Springfield Public School History
In 1837, a Springfield visionary named Joel Burns donated land where our current Post Office is situated.  That first school called the "Burns School" opened later that year and played its part in developing the youth of the neighbourhood, and opened the way for better things and better education.  Next came the Udell School in 1853 which was located on George Udell's farm about 1.5 kilometres east of the village.  The third school - four room building - opened in 1873 with two classes in operation.  A third class came into use soon after and later a continuation school was begun for the fourth.  In 1922, the Department of Education informed Springfield School Board that they would not receive their grant unless a new school was built.

