Welcome to Kindergarten at Springfield Public School
Click the picture below to watch a video to learn more about our kindergarten program. Please note that Mrs. Waller Gordon is our current principal and that in the 2024 / 2025 school year, Springfield will have 2 Kindergarten classes. Our Kindergarten program will be staffed by Mrs. Bilodeau and Mrs. Goosens (Room 108) and Mrs. Bertens and Mrs. Provoost (Room 109). Each class is composed of an educator team: a registered early childhood educator and a teacher. Please do not hesitate to connect with the office if you have any questions. We are more than happy to assist.
Principal: T. Waller Gordon (519) 765 4162 ext 46391 t.waller-gordon@tvdsb.ca
Administrative Assistant: C. Boulianne (519) 765 4162 ext 46390 c.boulianne@tvdsb.ca
Learning Support Teacher: K. Austen (519) 765 4162 ext 46394 k.austen@tvdsb.ca
Before and After School Care: https://ywcaste.ca/childcare-school-age/
School Transportation: https://www.mybigyellowbus.ca/ or 519-649-1160
Please check out the TVDSB Kindergarten Program Resources here.
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